More About Karen

Welcome to Shorty Get Down, my blog dedicated to the art of the short story.

The Deal: I read a short story and post my thoughts.  I daren't call this a review, because really, if I'm reading it, they've published it, and who am I to judge?  I'd rather find the gem in the story, the thing that makes it special, and put it in my writing bag of tricks.

My Writing Self:  I aspire to write better each day.  Some would call that an aspiring writer but that sounds like someone content to toil forever without reaching any recognizable milestones.  I'd actually like to share all this hard work with some other humans, hopefully lots of them, like BILLIONS.

Me Part Deux: I'm originally from New Jersey.  I live in North Central Massachusetts (yes there is such a place) with my husband and son.  That makes me a Jersey girl living in a New England world.  I teach part-time.  I struggle daily with finding a balance between my urge to cram every possible experience into life while at the same time knowing that sometimes it is in the moments in between our experiences where we find peace.  I have living proof in my house that Marley was not, in fact, the world's worst dog.

Favorite Stuff: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (book); Loaded nachos (food); Long Beach Island (place); Damages, Scandal, The Good Wife (TV-current); SATC (TV-All time)

Contact Me: Email me at or follow me @KarenRayCosta.

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