Sunday, April 28, 2013

Why I Love Short Stories

I love short stories because because every one always talks about them like they are a dying grandmother, like they aren't in the room, and that endears them to me.

I love short stories because the last time my father was at my house he picked up one of my short story anthologies, turned to Jack London's, "To Build a Fire," and started to read.

I love short stories because I can read them before bed and they give my mind a thought project that lulls me safely to sleep, protected from my various other potential perseverations.

I love short stories like I used to love washing the dishes at the Blinker Cafe in college, because I can  hold the task of reading them in my hand and see the beginning and end of it.

I love short stories because when I started this blog I actually wondered if I would run out of stories to write about and the stories that keep accumulating in my life are laughing with me about my foolishness.

I love short stories because they make me feel closer to authors whose novels distanced them from me.

I love short stories because they're the underdog, but they don't think of themselves that way (at least not the good ones).

I love short stories because they can form in your mind in an instant and then pour out of you like a confession.

I love short stories because they are almost perfectly timed to the enjoyment of one bottle of beer.

I love short stories because I'm weird.

I love short stories because they connect me with other weird people who love short stories.

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